You know the Program name, and want to make execution in priority
The steps are very simple:
Login system administrator /Application developer and go to define concurrent screen
Under Concurrent >> Program >> Define
Find the Program name whose priority you wish to change for ex. "Payable Transfer to GL"
On this screen you can set priority of this request by entering value in "Priority" field( as mark in red) (1 is highest, 99 is lowest, 50 is the default) , Save and exit.
1 comment:
Options 1: If you know what particular program user required in priority.
In oracle EBS you need to set the priority of specific users so that when they run specific reports, those reports should be run on high priority. The steps are very simple:
Go to Sysadmin Responsibility and go to menu Profile > System.
Make sure Site and User boxes are checked.
Select the user name for the user for whom you want to increase the priority
Enter the following within the Profile box and click on Find: Concurrent:Request Priority
Change the priority for the user as you see fit (1 is highest, 99 is lowest, 50 is the default) , Save and exit.
Oracle definition for Priority
Priority is used to indicate the priority that the concurrent request will be assigned when it is submitted. If you do not assign a priority, the user's profile option Concurrent:Priority sets the request's priority at submission.
dgreybarrow Profile : Concurrent:Request Priority
This displays the default priority number for your concurrent requests. Only a system administrator can change your request priority.
Requests normally run according to start time, on a "first-submitted, first-run" basis. Priority overrides request start time. A higher priority request starts before an earlier request.
Priorities range from 1 (highest) to 99 (lowest). The standard default is 50.
Users can see this profile option, but they cannot update it. This profile option is visible and updatable at all four levels.
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