Saturday, March 22, 2014

Rename Apache Access Logs Daily to enable better Monitoring (Oracle Apps / EBS )

access log


Stop the HTTP Server

2- Make a backup of $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf:

3- Open the file httpd.conf and search for something like the following line:
CustomLog "|D:\oracle\FRM_REP_904\Apache\Apache\bin\rotatelogs.exe logs/access_log 43200" common where ORACLE_HOME=D:\oracle\FRM_REP_904

4 - Modify the httpd.conf file like this example; this will create a new access_log every 24 hours
- 86400 seconds:
#CustomLog "|D:\oracle\FRM_REP_904\Apache\Apache\bin\rotatelogs.exe logs/access_log 43200" common
CustomLog "|D:\oracle\FRM_REP_904\Apache\Apache\bin\rotatelogs.exe logs/access_log.%d%m%Y 86400" common


5 - Save the httpd.conf file

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