DB Tier
Cloning Steps on the Target node after running adpreclone.pl on source node (db Tier & AppsTier)
adpreclone.pl dbTier (on Db node)
adpreclone.pl appsTier (on Apps Node)
scp -r erpdbtuat@server01:/erpbintuat/erptuat/ /u01
scp -r erpdbtuat@DBserver01:/erpbintuat/erptuat/prod_apps.tar.gz /u01
(Note : rename the base directory from erpuat to erptest i.e to instance name you are copying)
cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/bin
perl adcfgclone.pl dbTechStack
sqlplus "/as sysdba"
startup nomount pfile='$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initERPCLONE.ora'
copy the the rman backups to the destination filesystem (if its in accessible shared location then no need to copy)
rman auxiliary /
run {
allocate AUXILIARY channel c0 type disk;
allocate AUXILIARY channel c1 type disk;
allocate AUXILIARY channel c2 type disk;
allocate AUXILIARY channel c3 type disk;
allocate AUXILIARY channel c4 type disk;
allocate AUXILIARY channel c5 type disk;
allocate AUXILIARY channel c6 type disk;
allocate AUXILIARY channel c7 type disk;
duplicate target database to "ERPCLONE" BACKUP LOCATION '/stage/backup/' NOFILENAMECHECK;
Take care of post db activities like password resets ,re-pointing db links and purging tables can be done now else these can also be done after Apps Tier Cloning Completes
Run Autoconfig $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/instance_name/adautocfg.sh
Apps Tier
adpreclone.pl appsTier
(remove the Apps Tier Dir Structure under /u01)
1) Copy the Apps Tar file from PROD to CLONE
rm /u01/applprod/prod_apps_tar/prod_apps.tar.gz
scp applprod@appsserver01: /u01/backup/prod_apps.tar.gz /u01/
scp -r applprod@appsserver01:/erpbintuat/erptuat/ /u01
2) Delete the Apps Directories
cd /u01/ERPCLONE/fs1
(Remove the below directories that will be replaced by the source copy)
rm -rf EBSapps FMW_Home_* inst_*
mv FMW_Home FMW_Home_orig
mv inst inst_orig
3) Untar the Apps tar file
cd /u01/ERPCLONE/fs1
tar -zxvf /prod_apps.tar.gz .
(do not miss the dot at the end )
4) Run adcfgclone
cd /u01/CLONE/backup
cp ERPCLONE_server01.xml_bkup ERPCLONE_server01.xml
Here you have two ways/options of cloning
1) perl adcfgclone.pl appsTier
(this will only create/clone the run filesystem in case you dont want to maintain patch fs in test environment)
2)adcfgclone.pl appsTier dualfs
(this will create both Run fs and Patch fs )
perl '/u01/ERPCLONE/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/adcfgclone.pl' appsTier /u01/backup/ERPCLONE_server01.xml
Enter the APPS user password:
Enter the WebLogic AdminServer password:
5) After adcfgclone , enable SSL
Modify the Oracle HTTP Server wallet
cd /u01/ERPCLONE/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/instances/EBS_web_ERPCLONE_OHS1/config/OHS/EBS_web_ERPCLONE/keystores/default/
mv cwallet.sso cwallet.sso_bkp
cp/u01/ERPCLONE/fs_ne/inst/ERPCLONE_server01/certs/Apache/cwallet.sso .
6) Update the Context File and Configuration Files
7)Change the permission of “.apachectl” file using sudo privilege on both the Run and Patch File Systems as the root user.
sudo chown root $FMW_HOME/webtier/ohs/bin/.apachectl
sudo chmod 6750 $FMW_HOME/webtier/ohs/bin/.apachectl
8) Take backup of ssl.conf
/u01/ERPCLONE/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/instances/EBS_web_ERPCLONE_OHS1/config/OHS/EBS_web_ERPCLONE/ssl.conf and update the below parameter values
• Start the node manager and admin server on the run file system after sourcing the Run environment.
• Execute below command on all application tier nodes to propagate the changes made in ssl/httpd configuration to the context file variables:
perl $AD_TOP/bin/adSyncContext.pl contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE
Enter the APPS user password:
Enter the WebLogic AdminServer password:
• Stop the node manager and admin server
Edit run file system Context file and update the values to reflect as below
Variable Expected Value
s_url_protocol https
s_local_url_protocol https
s_webentryurlprotocol https
s_active_webport 443
s_webssl_port 443
s_https_listen_parameter 443
s_login_page https://server01.com:443/OA_HTML/AppsLogin
s_external_url https://server01.com:443
s_webentryhost server01
s_webentrydomain .com
Run AutoConfig using the adautocfg.sh script in the application tier $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME directory
Known Issues
1) During EBS Cloning Instance is already registered in inventory so de-register it as below :
Ensure that the above Oracle Homes are unregistered from the inventory "/etc/oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml" and re-run adcfgclone.pl script
cd /ptchapps/ERPCLONE/fs1/EBSapps/10.1.2/oui/bin
./runInstaller -silent -deinstall REMOVE_HOMES={"/u01/ERPCLONE/fs1/FMW_Home/Oracle_EBS-app1"}
./runInstaller -silent -deinstall REMOVE_HOMES={"/u01/ERPCLONE/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier"}
./runInstaller -silent -deinstall REMOVE_HOMES={"/u01/ERPCLONE/fs1/FMW_Home/oracle_common"}
./runInstaller -silent -deinstall REMOVE_HOMES={"/u01/ERPCLONE/fs1/FMW_Home/Oracle_OAMWebGate1"}
then Re-run adcfgclone.pl
2) EBS Login Page is not loading
perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ojspCompile.pl --compile --flush -p 2
logfile set: /u01/ERPCLONE/fs1/inst/apps/ERPCLONE_server01/logs/appl/rgf/ojsp/ojspc_error.log
starting...(compiling all)
using 10i internal ojsp ver:
synchronizing dependency file:
loading deplist...7831
enumerating jsps...7836
updating dependency...5153
parsing jsp...5153
writing deplist...7831
initializing compilation:
eliminating children...5963 (-1873)
translating and compiling:
translating jsps...5963/5963 in 17m17s
compiling jsps...5963/5963 in 15m10s
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