Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Queries to check Failed and Open status Workflow notifications in Oracle EBS

Select NOTIFICATION_ID, MESSAGE_TYPE, MESSAGE_NAME, STATUS, MAIL_STATUS, FROM_USER, TO_USER ,begin_date,end_date from wf_notifications 
where MAIL_STATUS!='FAILED' and end_date is not null 
order by end_date desc

Select NOTIFICATION_ID, MESSAGE_TYPE, MESSAGE_NAME, STATUS, MAIL_STATUS, FROM_USER, TO_USER ,begin_date,end_date from wf_notifications 
where MAIL_STATUS='FAILED' and end_date is not null 
order by end_date desc

SELECT COUNT(*), message_name,begin_date,status FROM wf_notifications
AND mail_status = 'MAIL'
GROUP BY message_name,begin_date,status ORDER BY begin_date DESC

SELECT * FROM wf_notifications

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