Tuesday, December 4, 2018

How to update GUID for SSO User in Oracle EBS

Extract the GUID for User from Oracle Access Manager (OAM) or OID (ldapsearch)

verify the guid column in the fnd_user table/view with below query :

select user_name,user_id,user_guid from fnd_user where user_name like '%RAJ%';

Now update the guid column in fnd_user with the value extracted above :

update fnd_user  set user_guid='8307ABAC21DAC08BE05016AC32EC512D' where user_name like '%RAJ%';


Some Additional queries to check whether the user specified is properly defined in HRMS records (proper email address etc because that's where it pulls all the basic attributes from )

select * from per_all_people_f where email_address like '%RAJ%@xyz.com%';

select * from fnd_user  , per_all_people_f
where per_all_people_f.person_party_id=fnd_user.user_id;

Queries to check Failed and Open status Workflow notifications in Oracle EBS

Select NOTIFICATION_ID, MESSAGE_TYPE, MESSAGE_NAME, STATUS, MAIL_STATUS, FROM_USER, TO_USER ,begin_date,end_date from wf_notifications 
where MAIL_STATUS!='FAILED' and end_date is not null 
order by end_date desc

Select NOTIFICATION_ID, MESSAGE_TYPE, MESSAGE_NAME, STATUS, MAIL_STATUS, FROM_USER, TO_USER ,begin_date,end_date from wf_notifications 
where MAIL_STATUS='FAILED' and end_date is not null 
order by end_date desc

SELECT COUNT(*), message_name,begin_date,status FROM wf_notifications
AND mail_status = 'MAIL'
GROUP BY message_name,begin_date,status ORDER BY begin_date DESC

SELECT * FROM wf_notifications

How to search for ldap user (OID User)

ldapsearch -v -h "Servername01" -p 3060  -D "cn=orcladmin" -w "Passwd" -b "" -s sub "uid=RAJESH@xyz.COM" uid orclguid orclactivestartdate orclactiveenddate orclisenabled

Note: Servername is the OID Servername in above command.

Command to Sync OID Users(LDAP) with Oracle EBS application and Vice versa

syncProfileBootstrap -host servername -port 7005 -D weblogic -profile AD_SYNC_ERP -lp 5

Note: Servername is the OID Servername in above command.

AD_SYNCERP is the OAM profile to sync users between OID and application.

How to modify OID (Ldap) User attributes

ldapmodify -p 3060 -h "servername01" -D cn=orcladmin -w "Passwd" -v -f RAJESH.ldif

Note: Servername is the OID Servername in above command.

Below are the contents of RAJESH.ldf file (RAJESH being modified ro RAJESH1)

cat RAJESH.ldif
dn: cn=RAJESH@XYZ.COM,ou=ebiz,cn=users,dc=eaa,dc=ae
changetype: moddn
newrdn: cn=RAJESH1
deleteoldrdn: 1