Monday, January 28, 2013

Oracle EBS AutoConfig

Autoconfig as name suggests is automated configuration of Oracle Applications 11i.

 Well if this is configuring oracle applications 11i question comes from where its getting configuration information. File from where Autoconfig runs picks parameter to configure 11i , in Oracle's terminology is called Context File. Power of configuring whole applications via this single file (One for Application Tier & other for Database Tier) makes this file quite powerful. Rest all I discuss in terms of questions answers or FAQ format about Autoconfig.
What is Autoconfig in 11i ?
Autoconfig is method of configuring Oracle Applications . All the information required to configure Oracle Apps 11i is stored in file called as Context file. So there are two context file, one for Database Tier & Second for Application Tier. Context file is repository for configuration stored in xml format. Its xml file and file name format is <SID>_<HOSTNAME>.xml so if your machine name is machine1 & SID is VISION then context file name will be VISION_machine1.xml
What are different Contexts w.r.t. Autoconfig in 11i ?
There are two context files, one for database tier called as Database Context second for Application tier called as Application Context.
What is location of Contexts file in 11i ?
Database Context file is under Database $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/<SID>_<HOSTNAME>.xml
Application Context file is under $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>_<HOSTNAME>.xml

How to run Autoconfig in 11i ?
You will use script (on both Database & Application tier) which inturn will call , which further will You should not worry about later two scripts its for information only. is script which you use to run autoconfig.

Where to check log files after autoconfig is executed ?

•On database tier its under $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/MM_DD_YYYY/adconfig.log

•On Application tier its under $APPL_TOP/admin/$CONTEXT_NAME/log/MMDDYYYY/adconfig.log

What if my Context file itself is corrupted, Can I create one ?
Yes you have utility called adbldxml to build xml file(Context File).
How to change some parameter in Context/xml file ?
If you are an expert then you can open xml file via any editor & change it but these days Oracle is recommending to use Context Editor or if you are on OAM.H or higher then use OAM (Oracle Application Manager) to change context file.

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