Monday, August 5, 2019

How to debug SMTP or IMAP server network connections for Workflow mailer in Oracle Apps (EBS)

Below command will give you the debug log for SMTP Network Connections for Workflow mailer
in Oracle Apps
(please substitute the values as per your environment  in the below comand)

$AFJVAPRG -classpath $AF_CLASSPATH -Dprotocol=smtp \
-Ddbcfile=$FND_SECURE/PROD.dbc \
-Dport=25 -Dssl=Y \
-Dtruststore=/home/applprod/.keystore \ \ -Dpassword=pasword \
-Dconnect_timeout=120 -Ddebug=Y \

Below command will give you the debug log for IMAP  Network Connections for Workflow mailer in Oracle Apps

$AFJVAPRG -classpath $AF_CLASSPATH -Dprotocol=imap \
-Ddbcfile=$FND_SECURE/PROD.dbc \
-Dport=25 -Dssl=Y \
-Dtruststore=/home/applprod/.keystore \ \ -Dpassword=pasword \
-Dconnect_timeout=120 -Ddebug=Y \

However to Debug the flow you can pick up a particular notification id in WF_NOTIFICATIONS table which is having issue and run the below sql located in $FND_TOP/sql

Workflow debugging scripts wfmlrdbg.sql and wfbesdbg.sql

Query to find the Workflow Log file location (R12.2.x) 

select fl.meaning,fcp.process_status_code,
decode(fcq.concurrent_queue_name,'WFMLRSVC','maile r container','WFALSNRSVC','listener container',fcq.concurrent_queue_name),
fcp.concurrent_process_id,os_process_id, fcp.logfile_name
from fnd_concurrent_queues fcq, fnd_concurrent_processes fcp , fnd_lookups fl
where fcq.concurrent_queue_id=fcp.concurrent_queue_id and fcp.process_status_code='A'
and fl.lookup_type='CP_PROCESS_STATUS_CODE' and
and concurrent_queue_name in('WFMLRSVC')
order by fcp.logfile_name;