Monday, April 1, 2013

Oracle Apps Creating Custom Concurrent Managers:

- Define Combined Rule

nav: Concurrent:Manager:Rule
- Define workshift
nav: Concurrent:Manager:Workshifts

- Define Manager & attach combined rule + workshift
nav: Concurrent:Manager:Define
Cache Size=1 for long running jobs
Cache Size=4/5 for short running jobs

- Activate the manager
nav: Concurrent:Manager:Administer

- Exclude the combined rule from "Standard Manager"

nav: Concurrent:Manager:Define
Query the "Standard Manager"

- Submit any conc program that is part of combined rule
and check whether Custom Manager is Picking the request or not.
nav: Concurrent:Manager:Administer

AD Utilites Oracle Apps EBS


1. Generate Applications Files
adadmin 1-1. Generate message files
adadmin 1-2. Generate form files
adadmin 1-3. Generate report files (.rdf)
adadmin 1-4. Generate product JAR files (.jar)

2. Maintain Applications Files menu

adadmin 2-1. Relink Applications programs (To relink non-ad utilties)
adadmin 2-2. Copy files to destinations
(To copy the html & java files from COMMON_TOP to the _TOPs)
adadmin 2-3. Convert character set (ex: from US7ACII to UTF8)
adadmin 2-4. Maintain snapshot information
(The application files information is maintained in db tables.)
adadmin 2-5. Check for missing files
o/p file: $APPL_TOP/admin//out/admvrf.lst

3. Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu

adadmin 3-1. Compile APPS schema
adadmin 3-2. Compile menu information
adadmin 3-3. Compile flexfields
adadmin 3-4. Reload JAR files to database

4. Maintain Applications Database Entities menu
adadmin 4-1. Validate APPS schema
o/p file: $APPL_TOP/admin//out/APPS.lst
adadmin 4-2. Re-create grants and synonyms for APPS schema
adadmin 4-3. Maintain multi-lingual tables
adadmin 4-4. Check DUAL table

5. Change Maintenance Mode
adadmin 5-1. Enable Maintenance Mode
adadmin 5-2. Disable Maintenance Mode

adident: It is to check Applicaton files version. : It is to relink ad utilites.
ex: adadmin, adpatch, adctrl ......

Upgrade 11i to R12 Oracle Apps EBS

(1) Upgrade 9i to 11g

- Take backup of complete Application system
- Apply latest AD patch (AD.I.6= p6502079...)
- Run TUMS utility(patch: 7705743)

The Upgrade Manual Script
- Apply IOP patch (p6328363..)
pre-requisite patches for IOP.
(3384350, 3453499,3180816,2368042,4489303,2864765,3882116,3262159)
- Apply the required Application patches
A.T.G patch(RUP6 = p5903765... -----> pre-requisite patch: 4489303),
p7011280 & p9535311
pre-requisite patches: 6328363 or 6372396-(2032040,3313291,3764779)
- Install 11g s/w( & create env file
- Apply 11g patchset1 (> (p6890831)
- UPgrade db 9i to 11g using dbua
- Enable autoconfig

(2) Upgrade EBS 11i to R12

- Install R12 in upgrade mode
- Now we can start the db with R12's 11g ORACLE_HOME
- Run AD preparation scripts(patch: 7197489)
- Apply AD 12.1.1 patch (upgrade driver patch: 7461070)
- Apply Maintenance Pack patch (driver= u6678700.drv)
cd $AU_TOP/patch/115/driver
ls u6678700.drv
adpatch options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion
in adctrl option 8 is hidden: It is to skip ad worker

Single Sign-on (Oracle apps EBS)

What is Single Sign-On Server (SSO) ?
As name says Single-Sign On Server is set of services (Software) which enables login to Application once which will allow you to login to Ppartner Applications with no need to login again. Lets assume I have configured single SSO Server for Portal , E-Business Suite, Collaboration Suite plus some other other applications, Now if I login to any one of them & after that if I wish to login to other applications I should be able to login without supplying passwords again.

How will I log off then ?

This is called as Single Sign-Off which is part of SSO server , If you logout from any one application SSO server will log off from all applications.

What are Technology Stack components of SSO Server ?

SSO consist of OC4J_Security & HTTP Server which are part of Oracle Identity Management which inturn part of Oracle Infrastructure Server which in turn part of Oracle Application Server. SSO server uses Oracle Internet Directory to store User Credentials in encrypted format for Partner Applications . If some one ask you to bounce SSO server , you bounce either of them or both . Oracle components uses mod_osso which is part of Oracle HTTP Server to connect to SSO server.

Partner Application & External Applications ?

As mentioned above lot of time about Partner Applications ; Partner Applications are the one which delegates their authentication to SSO server (like Portal, Discoverer, E-Business Suite, Collaboration Suite) where as External Applications are applications which don't delegate their authentication to SSO Server (like yahoo, google, hotmail applications).
What does delegating Authentication means here ? Delegating authentication means partner application will ask sso to verify if a user is authenticated properly or not where as external application will check username/password at their end sso server will simply hold username/password in OID (If users select remember external application password)

Request Flow when SSO is used ...

Very important to understand request flow when a application is configured with SSO & user tries to access Application .
1) User first time tries to access application (like portal, collabsuite, apps 11i) configured with sso server
2) Application checks that there is no login cookie set into User(Clients) browser so Application redirects it to Single Sign-On Server via mod_osso
3) Single Sign-On Server returns login page to user & user enter his/her username/password
4) SSO validates these password against one stored in Oracle Internet Directory
5) If password matches then SSO return a token to client with list of all applications which user has access and return client back to original application
6) This token is stored as part of cookie in user's/client's browser & further connections from client to applications will be allowed (as authentication token is already in cookie)

Test application connectivity in Oracle apps (EBS )

AOL/J Diagnostic test: To test the application connectivity & to verify .dbc file & its settings. open the browser & enter the AOL/J Diagnosis URL ex: Environment Type: non-rac Apps Schema name: apps Apps passwd: apps Oracle SID: PROD Hostname: Port number: 1521 Click TEST Enter AOL/J setup test

DBC File in Oracle apps (EBS ) and EBS Login Flow

Q. What is *.dbc file & whats is location of dbc file ? dbc as name stands for is database connect descriptor file used to connect to database. This file by default located in $FND_TOP/secure directory also called as $FND_SECURE directory DBC file is quite important as whenever Java or any other program like forms want to connect to database it uses dbc file. Typical entry in dbc file is GUEST_USER_PWD APPS_JDBC_URL DB_HOST

EBS Configuration Files Oracle apps (EBS )

Configuration File

Apache Server
Form Server



Environment File
Consolidated Environment File
Web Home
Environment File
Environment File
